Recreated with all credit to the authors at KQ Entertainment (the red font is in the original)

1.Share Love 2. Eat Together 3. Clean up your own mess. |
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you - What's that thing you have stuck on
A female student, stuffing a piece of buldak kimbap in her mouth, questioned.
"Is it the food truck's motto? Or your's, oppa?"
"Don't call the store owner 'oppa!' Have some respect! I apologize for my
daughter, sir."
"Please, I call all handsome men oppa. And maybe you just came here for
the first time today, Mom, but I'm a regular. Oppa and I are very close."
The mother, embarrassed by her daughter's shamelessness, smiled awkwardly as she met San's eyes. He was busy gathering bite-sized pieces of bulgogi kimbap into a bowl.
San "It's something the owner of some snack stall told me three years or so ago
when I was worried that my dreams might not come true. Dreams are fine
and all, but there are many other, more important things in life."
"Like...sharing love, eating together...and cleaning up your own mess."
As if pondering the meaning of what San just said, the female student read the memo aloud. For the first time in a long while, San also looked at the old memo posted on the inside wall of his food truck. It was the first thing he stuck to its inner walls after buying the used truck three years ago, when the members, one by one, had started moving on their own paths. He started this food truck wanting to know if - like the owner of that stall said - a life outside of one's dreams was worth living.
"So running a food truck like this wasn't your dream?"
The female student asked.
San "If I'm being honest, not it wasn't. Not really."
"Does that make you sad? That you're doing something other than your
The girl's mother tried to interject, but San just laughed, saying it was okay.
San "No, I like it. Of course, there are still times I miss those moments..."
The girl spoke loudly as if to tell her mother to listen.
"See! So you can live happily without achieving your dreams! My mom
always says you have to achieve your dreams, that a life without achieving
your dreams is a life wasted, and so I have to study! Always study, study,
study. Her nagging drives me crazy."
"Enough, stop eating, and go to your after-school classes! Sorry for all the
trouble, sir. The food was great!"
The mother, no longer able to hold back and wary of the ongoing conversation, finally stood up and urged her daughter away. San watched as the female student stuffed her cheeks full of the remaining kimbap, still chewing it as her mother dragged her away. He smiled.
San "I used to think that, too."
A new customer approached, and San greeted them with a friendly face. Seeing the expectant faces of hungry customers as they ordered, making food he hoped they'd enjoy, and watching them eat until they were full and happy - There's a kind of happiness in this too, San thought.
Meanwhile, a plane bound for Incheon was getting ready to take off In Dubai. Woo Young, a second-year flight attendant, was busy preparing the special safety announcement he had put together for K Airlines. The airline, concerned that the passengers weren't paying enough attention to the flight attendants' in-flight safety announcement, planned a new event based on an Idea of Woo Young's in place of the usual simple demonstration.
While he knew all he needed to do was match a few small movements to the announcement's song and rap, Woo Young's mouth had gone dry from nervousness - It had been a long time since he'd been on stage. He clenched his hands into a fist, stretched them slowly, and shook them out, but it did nothing to help calm his nerves. Taking a deep breath, Woo Young closed his eyes.
He recalled those times - three years ago from now - when the members, dressed in black fedoras, would perform as they used the Cromer to disappear and reappear in and out of space. It was a time when his stage fright had felt like a distant memory from a past life. Yes, he had acted with a sense of duty, wanting to save the people from Z's control, but it was more then that. Those dreams of his that were out of grasp in World A, were achievable in World Z. There, the world was his stage, and each and every performance was thrilling. The performances of Woo Young and the members reminded the people, whose emotions had been suppressed and controlled, of the feelings they had lost. Their reactions, full of laughter and tears, had ignited Woo Young's heart.
Z, backed into a corner, broke the Cromer in his attempt to flee, and, as a result, Woo Young and the members were thrown back into this world before they could see the climax of their movement. But it was fine. If he could do all that there, there was nothing he couldn't do here, too, Woo Young had a thought. The members came together again and prepared as a performance group. Jong Ho, who was studying music composition, wrote their songs, and Hong Joong and Min Gi came up with the lyrics. Woo Young and Yun Ho put together the choreography. Yeo Sang, who - thanks to his Investments - had the most money to spare, set up their performance room, and Seong Hwa and San oversaw the planning and marketing. Through busking and performances at small, local events, they did their best to make even one fan.
But that was the extent of it. And as days without progress dragged on, the members' motivation slowly began to fade. Their dreams didn't, in fact, lead to any real jobs. Like a long-dead romance waiting for one side to finally let go, their days dragged on in a state of arrested development, and the members' worries only grew. We used to fly high as ATEEZ in World Z, but had fallen into obscurity in this place. It was impossible to stop the members, who urgently needed money to get by, from leaving to look for a part-time job and earn a living. Though no one said it out loud, they all felt that the days when they could persuade each other with the mere promise of their shared ream would soon pass. Back then, whenever he went out to drink with friends from his hometown, Woo Young would whine over and over about how he wanted to be on stage. Then one time, his friend drunkenly shot back:
"Is the stage really that special? A teacher's classroom could be their stage...
The old man announcing sales at the supermarket is on stage...So are the
flight attendants giving presentations on emergency life vests! Idols and
actors aren't the only ones giving performances on a stage!"
Woo Young, thinking this was just his friend's way of shutting him up, disregarded the comment. But his friend when on:
"If you miss performing that much, then stop whining about it and do
something! Go find your own stage!"
Fueled by his friend's call for him to take action, Woo Young's blood boiled and a strange courage overcame him. "That's right! I'll go find my own stage!" The friends cheered together and, before he knew it, Woo Young had signed up for flight attendant training.
Not wanting to waste the money he had spent of FA training classes, Woo Young began attending the flight attendant academy. To his surprise, he was praised for his talent and soon found himself enjoying training. He was proud that the other students applauded him and the school held him up as an example. Yes, maybe it was praise that Woo Young had wanted. Driven by praise and recognition, Woo Young became a full-fledged flight attendant in record time. It wasn't until after this thirst for acknowledgement had been quenched that he remembered what it was that he really wanted to do: music. It wasn't performing on a stage, but music that he wanted to do. To match his voice and movements to instruments, for someone to listen to his story. But when he finally looked back, he was already an established flight attendant. And so, Woo Young recalled his friend's words again: "Find the stage. Find your own stage..." Make it for yourself..."
At that time, K Airlines was in the process of planning a new format for their in-flight safety announcement, and Woo Young sent in a proposal for the project. He suggested a music-based performance, and his idea was adopted.
"Woo Young, we're just about ready to run the announcement."
At the words of his fellow flight attendant, Woo Young opened his eyes. It might not be much, but it was still a stage - the stage Woo Young had longed for. This shaking feeling he was experiencing now was the very feeling he had missed so much. There was nothing to be afraid of. Woo Young stood In the aisle.
Woo Young "We're about to take off. In preparation for departure, please direct your
attention to the flight attendants in the cabins they go over our safety
Woo Young's announcement rang over the pre-recorded music playing from the in-flight speakers. Soon, the beat began to change and the announcement transformed into a rap and melody. Passengers who had been dozing off or scrolling through the selection of in-flight movies, and children who had been whining to their parents, all turned to look at Woo Young.
Information on seat belts, life jackets, oxygen masks, and emergency exits was delivered through witty lyrics, and the communicative performance immediately drew the attention of the audience - the flight's passengers. Even those who had laughed out of awkwardness at first, soon joined in on the fun of the performance. Some even stood up from their seats, swayed their shoulders, and clapped. The youngest audience enjoyed the performance the most, as they stopped their crying and laughed along. Some passengers even filmed the performance on their personal smartphones.
Woo Young, who felt like he hadn't performed before an audience in so long, ended the in-flight safety performance by disappearing and reappearing in an instant like he used to in World Z - Of course, without the Cromer it was just a simple trick of diversion planned with a fellow flight attendant.
After a moment of silence, the cabin burst into thunderous applause and cheers. All around, passengers shouted praise at Woo Young, saying, "This is the best announcement I've ever seen!" or "I'm so glad I got to start my vacation with you!" and "I was sad about my holiday being over, but you made me feel so much better!" Woo Young, who was busy thanking - and calming - the passengers who were now more excited than he was, stopped in front of two familiar faces.
Yun Ho "Hey, is it really okay for a safety announcement to be this cool?"
Min Gi " I know. I fell for him and nearly asked for his number."
It was Yun Ho and Min Gi.
The K Airlines flight crossed the night sky and the bright lights of the cabin dimmed. Passengers, tired from the long flight, began to fall asleep. Aside from the noise of a few odd people going to and from the restroom, the cabin was quiet. The three men gathered in one corner in hushed excitement.
Woo Young "Huh. What're the odds?"
Min Gi "I was supposed to take an earlier flight home after the fashion show in
Dubai, but it was overbooked. I needed to get back for our appointment
tomorrow, and this was the next best flight I could get."
Woo Young "And there were only economy seats left? What if someone recognizes you!"
Min Gi "I was worried about that too, but this was the last one open before the
weekend. Still, it worked out. Right? I get to see you and Yun Ho!"
Even though they were in the galley, where only flight attendants came and went, Min Gi covered his face with his hat and stayed alert for prying eyes. Within just three years, Min Gi had become the hottest model and influencer in the world.
Back when the members were still practicing together, Min Gi, who needed money for his grandmother's hospital bills and family's living expenses, began taking on a number of odd jobs. On his way to the practice room, Min Gi was cast on the street by a high-end designer - the brand was still in its start-up stage at the time - who was looking for a new face to model for them. Min Gi was selected to star in a pictorial introducing the brand's new collection.
That season's outfits and pictorials became a hot topic in the fashion world online, so much so that Min Gi was even featured on the cover of one of the world's top fashion magazines. He was hailed as a muse to global brands and was chosen to finish their collections' runway shows - though he had no experience walking whatsoever. As the saying goes: Those who can, do. Those who can do it looking good? Well, they go on to rule the world. A YouTuber with over 1 million subscribers posted Min Gi's photos on their personal SNS as an example of their ideal boyfriend's style, and it soon ignited a heated social debate on the use of private images without permission. Like this, Min Gi's pictures naturally gained exposure, and, as the original controversy surrounding them disappeared, he evolved into a famous figure associated in the public mid with the so-called "boyfriend shot."
Yun Ho "After the conference in Egypt, I was on my way back to Korea via
Dubai. When I saw it was a K Airlines flight, I thought of contacting you, Woo
Young, but who knew we'd end up meeting like this! And Min Gi, too."
Yun Ho had started studying again and went on to college, and the Cromer was the reason why. Once he'd learned that the Cromer - something he'd thought could only be found in the mystical World Z - existed here, as well, he became fascinated with relics, ancient ruins, legends, and myths. "There must be more relics out there, just like the Cromer, that can't be explained by our world's history, theory, and research alone," Yun Ho had said.
Woo Young was reminded of a conversation he had one day walking with Yun Ho. If this world is really made up of multiple dimensions, just as the men in the black fedoras had told them, then there must be more relics and artifacts out there that only those who know of World Z can recognize.
"Does he want to go back to world Z? Now that the Cromer's broken, is he
looking for some other key that will lead him back?"
Woo Young wanted to ask Yun Ho a lot of questions, but chose to cheer him on instead. Entering the archaeological department must have been hectic enough for him already.
Yun Ho "By the way, you were really cool back there. It reminded me of when we
used to perform together as ATEEZ."
Min Gi "I filmed it all on my phone, so let's all rewatch it together at Yeo Sang's
place tomorrow."
Woo Young "Hey, it's supposed to be Hong Joong's congratulatory party. Don't waste
time watching a video of me."
Yun Ho "Why not? I'm sure everyone will love it. We always end up just talking about
the past when we meet, anyway. If anything, I'm worried your video will get
everyone too fired up and they'll want to start dancing again."
Min Gi "He's not wrong, and you know what? Jong Ho's a producer now. Who
knows, he might just offer you a solo after watching it."
Woo Young "Cut it out. Stop messing with me"
Min Gi smirked mischievously as if to say, "try me," and Woo Young responded with a look of fake hurt. Yun Ho watched them both and laughed. Though it'd been a year since they last met, and though they each now had their own busy lives, in front of each other they transformed into the same young boys they had always been. With silly jokes only they would ever get, they soothed their longing for each other that had long been locked away inside.
At the same time, in Seoul, South Korea. Cursing and shouting, not music, blasted out of a recording studio near Hongdae.
"If that's how you're gonna act, then get the h*ll out already! Stop dragging
us into your mess. Do you know how many idols disappear not even a year
after debuting? Even if we f*ing risk our lives for this job, who knows how
many people will ever actually care!"
"No, that's not what I - For starters, I joined this company because I thought
they'd make me an actor. H*ll, like I knew I'd become an idol like this! Ha...Don't act like you know what I'm going through."
The six-month-old group, for which Jong Ho worked as their exclusive producer, was preparing for their upcoming mini album. While in the studio recording songs, all the member's volatile emotions that had accumulated since their debut exploded into an argument, which raged on despite the best efforts of those around them to stop it. An engineer, who could not longer stand to watch the children fight in his recording booth, moved to stop them, but Jong Ho stepped in and held him back.
Jong Ho "It's better they let it all out now than hold it in and suffer in silence."
It wouldn't be easy for family members to work together all day long - let alone young adults, teens who had barely just hit puberty, thrown together only because they share the same goal. Understanding Jong Ho's intentions, the engineer sat down again. And, unaware of the adults watching them, the children continued to fight.
"What?! If you don't want to be part of this, you should have told the
company before debuting! Let me guess, you didn't have the guts to start
out as an actor and thought you'd take the easy path to fame by debuting as
an idol first. If that's what you decided, then take responsibility for that
decision! You're an Idol now, so f*ing work to make your face known before
whining! You've only just started, and you're already like this?! What're you
going to do?"
"What do you think I am? Some kind of machine? I'm human too. I need time
to think through all my troubles and decisions. But, it's just work and
practice, work and practice every. single. day. I don't have time to think
about myself or make commitments.
Considering all that, can't I waiver or doubt things a little?"
Jong Ho "At this rate, I doubt we'll be able to finish recording today. There's still room
in the schedule, so let's try again some other time."
The boys' argument showed no sign of slowing down and Jong Ho decided to postpone the recording. The engineer headed out of the studio first, offering Jong Ho a comment of support for his troubles on his way out.
"And you think we aren't just as busy? What do you think the rest of us are
doing? Playing around?"
"You've never liked me, even back when we were trainees. Is that why you're
acting like this to me?"
"You always listen to the other members whenever they complain about their
troubles. Whether it was family stuff, not being able to debut with friends
from their trainee days, or anything else."
"...Seriously? How old are you?"
Jong Ho "That's enough. Everyone, get out here."
Once the other members had all left for the dorms, the two boys sat in front of Jong Ho and cried. Jong Ho guessed they each had been holding on to their own struggles.
One of the boys, having come from a difficult family background, was desperate to cling to his idol career - something he had worked so hard to achieve - and the opportunities it might bring. As desperate as he was, he was also probably anxious. And, the only way to relieve his worries in this industry where the future was both uncertain and out of his hands, was to work as hard as he possibly could. He must have hoped the other members would feel the same, and when confronted by his friend who didn't, could no longer hold back his own overflowing anxiety. Although Jong Ho didn't know everything the boy had been through, he did know the feeling of desperation born from anxiety. He had once exploded at Min Gi in a similar way.
The other boy, who dreamed of becoming an actor, must have stumbled across the path of an idol on the way to his real dream. While he may have started this career hoping that, as his face became more well known, it would eventually lead to opportunities in acting, he was probably taken aback by the reality of this world that demands hard work paid in sweat and tears. He was behind in singing and dancing compared to the other members, who dreamed of being idols, and he must have been worried about the choice he made. But, as busy as they were, it would have been hard to even bring up his concerns. Sure, one could criticize the boy for choosing the path of an idol when that was never his dream. But Jong Ho, who had become a music producer as a means to achieving another goal himself, was no different.
As their crying died down, Jong Ho recalled these past three years. Inspired by the Grimes Siblings, Jong Ho began composing music little by little and when they returned to this world, he began studying it in earnest, hoping to make songs the members could sing together. While it was a little awkward, he enjoyed asking the members' opinions and modifying each song little by little. That magical moment, when the members' voices were paired with the melody he'd made, brought a sense of accomplishment he had not felt elsewhere. Even when the other members grew busy with their own lives, Jong Ho couldn't let go of music. Jong Ho had already been forced to give up his dream - basketball - once due to injury, and had worked so hard to find the new one. If he couldn't achieve it with the members, he would find a way to cling to it on his own, even as a singer-songwriter.
That's how Jong Ho was eventually scouted by his current agency, who was so impressed by the songs he uploaded to MusicCould, that they asked if he could write a song for their upcoming idol group. While he was a bit disappointed they hadn't offered to sign him as a singer, he had no reason to refuse the offer. It was a way for him to continue his career in music, and, for the first time, his efforts had been recognize. Jong Ho, who started as a singer-songwriter, soon became the idol group's vocal coach and producer, as well. He was neither an idol or a singer-songwriter, but he had hope that, as long as he never gave up on music, the chance would still present itself one day. For now, he spent his days satisfied with the opportunities given to him.
Jong Ho "From now on, how about we work out from time to time and try building up
our physical strength."
The two children raised their heads and looked up at Jong Ho, confused.
Jong Ho "Neither of you wants to hurt the other, it's just that you have your problems,
and you have yours. Am I right?"
They nodded and, out of the corner of their eyes, scanned the face of the boy sitting next to them. As their irritation faded, fatigue, sadness, confusion, and guilt took its place.
Jong Ho "I heard that kindness also require stamina. You're both so tired that you're
overcome with anxiety and confusion. But it's thanks to all your hard work
that you were able to debut and were offered all these new opportunities,
too. I know it's impossible to really understand each other's struggles, but
let's at least try to be kind to each other. How about it?"
The boys replied "yes" at the same time, and awkwardly handed each other tissues. "They're still just kids," Jong Ho thought as he smiled quietly. The two boys, who had fought so ferociously until just now, were smirking and exchanging friendly banter. Looking at them, Jong Ho couldn't help but he reminded of his own members.
He went to close his eyes for a moment, but fatigue washed over him and, before he knew it, it was 1 am. Jong Ho hurried to organize his computer files, and buried among those numerous files, one in particular caught his eye: It was his first song. Maybe it was the boy's fight, or that he was going to see his own members for the first time in a while tomorrow, but for some reason, that song - which he had not played even once since they split - called out to him today. "Should I try listening to it again?" Jong Ho hesitated for a moment before mustering up a little courage and playing that first song.
Jong Ho "Hmm...Yeah, I can't do this."
Jong Ho shuddered at the melody which now seemed so unrefined from its very start. In his memory, it had been a pretty good song, but now he realized how much he had glamourized it. Unable to listen anymore, he went to turn the music off, but hesitated at Yeo Sang's soft voice. Then Woo Young's melodic voice followed and Jong Ho gave up on turning off the music. As Yeo Sang and Woo Young, Seong Hwa and Yun Ho, Min Gi and Hong Joong, San and Jong Ho's voices came and went, an image as clumsy as a colorful drawing unfolded in his mind. The members' voices pierced his heart. It felt as though, unknowingly, he had unleashed a certain long-gone and now unattainable past.
Only then did Jong Ho realize that he had unwittingly ended one period of his life and started another. Listening to the music of a past he could never get back, he longed for those clumsy but oh-so-beautiful times, and shed a tear.
It was then, RINGGG! A fire alarm went off and shook Jong Ho form his memories. "Wha - What's going on?!" Jong Ho faltered at the loud noise, and someone burst through the recording studio door. Standing in the open doorway was none other than Seong Hwa - outfitted in fire protective gear.
Jong Ho "Seong Hwa...?"
Seong Hwa "Can't you hear the alarm?! Hurry! We need to get out of here!"
A stray cigarette butt had caught fire to a bag of garbage, which in turn spread to the vines that decorated the outer wall of the building. The fire grew and began eating away at the building's exterior. "Fortunately, a delivery man saw it all and immediately called 119. We were able to extinguish the fire before there was too much damage," Seong Hwa continued as he took off his red helmet.
Seong Hwa "Thankfully, the fire didn't spread too much, but had you stayed there you
might have been suffocated by the smoke. The next time you hear a fire
alarm go off, get out right away. There's nothing more important than your
Jong Ho "Yes, yes, I get it. You're really a full-fledge firefighter now, huh?"
Jong Ho smiled happily at Seong Hwa's nagging, which he hadn't heard in so long, and handed Seong Hwa a drink. Seong Hwa smiled back, as if he had missed these familiar interactions with the group's youngest member. Looking at Seong Hwa's soot-smudged face, Jong Ho asked.
Jong Ho " How's the firefighter job? Do you enjoy it?"
Seong Hwa finished another sip of his drink and seemed to think for a moment, before replying with a smile:
Seong Hwa "It's great! Very rewarding. But more importantly, I get to save people. It's
really great."
Jong Ho understood. He knew that the afterimage of all the people they couldn't save in World Z had long haunted Seong Hwa. The Boy and his Brother that they were unable to save at the Disposal Site. The many members of the Black Pirates and Thunder who had fought bravely alongside ATEEZ only to have their fates changed by the Guardians' attacks. The eyes of those Sense Offenders hung as an example in the square. Jong Ho remembered that the image of Seong Hwa's back, the other member frozen in place each and every time he encountered someone who reminded him of them.
Seong Hwa "Want me to tell you something interesting?"
Jong Ho met his eyes slightly, as if to say that he was ready to listen, Seong Hwa began describing those who had just become firefighters. There is a time when a sense of duty and a desire to save people becomes a kind of "passion in and of itself. During this time, new firefighters - as if they have never known fear - would do anything to save even just one more person. They would dive into the heart of a fire or risk their lives. Then, they make a mistake and realize they might actually die like this. That's when they finally come to understand their seniors' advice, Seong Hwa continued.
Seong Hwa grit his teeth and repeated the words he had heard over and over again as a student:
Seong Hwa "Saving oneself is the first step in saving other people.
Believe it or not, that's why I decided to become a firefighter. I thought that if
I could just pull myself out of my own misery, I would be able to do anything."
At first, he began studying how to rescue people in various crisis situations. Just learning how to react to various emergencies helped calm his anxiety. Then, while studying, he came across material made for aspiring firefighters preparing for the firefighter exam. The members were meeting to practice together less and less, and making use of his new-found free time, Seong Hwa decided to take the test himself. The hobby he began to calm his anxiety, soon became his job. He found its specific demands and tasks were more comforting than vague dreams. And while it didn't come with cheers and applause like performing on stage, in their place, he was rewarded with the simple, heartfelt gratitude of those he'd saved and their families.
Jong Ho "That's good to hear."
Jong Ho meant that sincerely. He looked at Seong Hwa's face in the clear light. Seong Hwa stared back at Jong Ho in the same manner. Jong Ho, the baby of the group, suddenly looked all grown up. "Even Jong Ho's an adult now. It's strange. It makes me feel proud, but also sorry." Seong Hwa thought quietly to himself.
Jong Ho "You're coming tomorrow, right?"
Seong Hwa "Nope."
Jong Ho "Wait, really? Why can't you come? This'll be our first time getting together in
nearly a year."
Seong Hwa "It's already past midnight. So yeah, I won't be going tomorrow, but I'll be
sure to make the party today. It's Hong Joong's party - there's no way I'd
miss it."
Jong Ho "Oh, come on!"
In Jong Ho's face, now annoyed at the older boy's mischief, was the echo of the maknae Seong Hwa knew. Only then did Seong Hwa put his arm around Jong Ho's shoulders and ruffle his hair, as if happy to finally reunite with the group's youngest.
In an antique villa, far removed from the city center and hidden by lush trees tinted by the pink light of golden hour, laughter echoed about. Inside the villa dining room, eight men dressed comfortably sat around a large table decorated with all kinds of dishes from land and sea. Eight wine glasses collided in the air.
Yeo Sang "I really put a lot of thought into this menu for you guys, but all you've been
eating is San's stuff, I'm hurt."
San "That's bold coming from the guy who just swiped another piece of my
Yeo Sang "Well, you know. You can't beat this kind of nostalgic flavor."
Woo Young "Come on guys, let's try one of the other dishes before Mr. Fancy Villa Owner
gets upset."
Hong Joong "How did you manage to look this sexy on a plane? I thought I was watching
a performance of Britney Spears' Toxic or something."
Woo Young "Hey! I thought I told you guys not to show them that!"
Min Gi and Yun Ho, shrugging in fake remorse, explained how they had no choice but to show the others Woo Young's video, which had already begun spreading on social media. Woo Young's ears were red with embarrassment, but he looked through the video's comments in high spirits, and San took the opportunity to tease Woo Young again. Hong Joong, who had been watching the members with a smile, suddenly remembered the books in his bag and hurriedly took them out. He passed a copy to each of the members, who had flipped through them with thrill. On the first page was a simple letter with Hong Joong's handwritten signature.
Yun Ho "So book no. 2 is finally out! Congrats, Hong Joong! You did great!"
Min Gi "I heard you were already offered licensing deals in 30 countries or
something? I saw it in an article."
Hong Joong "It's all thanks to you guys. If anything I'm sorry. It's our story, but I'm the only
one making money off of it all."
Jong Ho "What're you saying? You're the only one of us who'd ever be able to retell it
all in such an exciting way like this."
The others nodded in agreement. For no reason in particular, Hong Joong touched the cover of his book. On the cover was an image of Z's office, with Z and the Guardians on the right, and the Thunder members and Prestige Academy students on the left. In front were eight men wearing black fedoras, engraving with the name ATEEZ. That's right - Hong Joong's novel was based on their real adventures. In short: it was his and the member's travel diary.
One day, after returning to this world, Hong Joong suddenly realized that his memories from World Z were beginning to fade. Perhaps that's what it meant to live in the present. What were once vibrant and colorful memories, would soon be condensed into a single color and simplified as "good past times." And so, Hong Joong began writing. He wanted to retain those magical moments that he could never visit again as vibrant memories. His diary, a blog, was soon filled with comments like, "Is this a new novel? I'm dying to read what comes next!"
For the fist time, Hong Joong began to consider how the series of events he had experienced with members might seem to others. "Most people would probably assume this is a science fiction or fantasy novel, not a travelog." What began as Hong Joong's diary, evolved into a detailed story akin to an epic novel, and his blog readers increased exponentially as the story progressed. It wasn't long before he was approached by a publisher, and his story was printed as a novel, which went on to become a bestseller. Before he knew it, Hong Joong built a name for himself as a famous writer beloved by young readers.
His days were filled with reader meet and greets, special lectures, and appearances on various TV programs. On a talk show that introduced writer's personal lives, Hong Joong said, "I originally dreamed of becoming an idol, hoping vaguely that, if I became famous enough to appear on TV, I might meet my long-lost family again. But I never imagined that this would all happen to me as a writer." His sincere story - and the dance he showed off at the request of the host - became a hot topic. Hong Joong's father, who happened to watch the show, and his mother, who learned about him through his novel, reached out to him. At long last, his dream of reuniting with his family finally came true.
Hong Joong "My mom is so into Min Gi these days. She even follows you on social
Min Gi "Really? Do you want me to surprise her with a video call or something? I'd
be more than happy to."
Seong Hwa "In that case, would you mind calling my fire department chief, as well? Ever
since he found out we're close, he's been too nice to me."
The members burst into laughter seeing Hong Joong's mother fangirling over Min Gi on the phone. Seong Hwa tried to contact the department chief for a video call with Min Gi, as well, but, busy as ever, he didn't answer his phone. Min Gi left a little video greeting for him instead.
San "I saw so many ads with Min Gi on my way here today. He's everywhere! Do
you know what it made me think of?"
Jong Ho "What?"
San "It's so over the top, it almost reminds me of Z."
Jong Ho, looking around Yeo Sang's villa, laughed at San's joke. It was an inside joke that only made sense to those familiar with World Z and the nature of Z's rule. It also meant that Min Gi's star power was so great that it was akin to brainwashing.
The dining room let out into a short hallway that connected to the living room. Beyond a large window framed by curtains was a dark, blue night. Next to the window, in an antique cabinet, a familiar frame and broken glass object caught Woo Young's eyes.
Woo Young "Hey, isn't this the Cromer?"
The remaining pieces of the broken Cromer, which Yeo Sang had taken back with him, had reconstructed decently well. It looked almost like a piece of modern art. When the Cromer shattered and the members were forced back to this world, Woo Young had thought Yeo Sang odd for picking up its useless broken pieces. Now, Woo Young felt as though he were the odd one.
Yun Ho "Huh? Wait, I think I recognize that. It's that thing Left Eye gave us!"
Yun Ho cried out, looking at a ruby-colored stone in a compartment next to the Cromer.
Jong Ho "It's that thing! That - He gave it to us saying it was something thrown away
at the Strickland Disposal Site along with the voices of the Grime Siblings."
San "Yeo Sang, you mean you took this without telling the rest of us?"
Yeo Sang "What're you talking about? I asked you over and over which one of us
should take it."
Everyone was shocked by Yeo Sang's sudden remarks. Yeo Sang continued, "I asked you all again and again in both World Z and World A, but either you weren't listening or changed the subject on me. I had no choice but to bring it back myself." When the members questioned "When? When did you ask us?" Yeo Sang replied:
Yeo Sang "Don't you remember me asking you all 'What should we do with Sopro?"
[Sopro, Portuguese for 'breath,' 'a gust of air.']
Woo Young "Sopro?"
At that, the members finally recalled Yeo Sang asking them, "Who's going to take care of Sopro?" "What about Sopro?" "Guys, Sopro..." None of them knew at the time that he was referring to this ruby stone, and they all had brushed him off. Now feeling bad, the members touched Sopro aimlessly and changed the subject.
San "You know, Yeo Sang, your villa really is huge. It's so nice! You can really tell
you make a lot of money."
Seong Hwa "I know. You've got enough room to play soccer in here."
The members chided Seong Hwa for his old man-like comment, and looked around the living room.
In just three years, Yeo Sang had become the definitions of Young and Rich, Tall and Handsome. Having built his fortune investing in stocks, Yeo Sang was finally able to start a business of his own without his father's help. The start-up he generously invested in grew into a unicorn, and through his careful investment skills, he was able to transform the small, one-man business into a large-scale operation. Though he didn't want to admit it, his natural ability to read the flow of money reminded him of his father. While money might seem contrary to art, art would not exist without money. Historically, art was created for the enjoyment of nobles and aristocrats, and in protest of this truth, even more kinds of art were born. Money was the group's biggest obstacle in achieving their dream, and Yeo Sang decided to tackle it head-on. He reinvented himself as a leader of the investment world.
The members, who had naturally moved to the living room, shared stories with each other, drank wine, and drunkenly reminisced about their times in World Z, their memories spread out on the table before them. Their uncensored true faces, which had grown used to hiding behind their masks as refined members of society, burst out wildly. The members were as excited as if they had just moved through space with the Cromer - as if they'd gone back to their days as the men in the Black Fedoras.
Yeo Sang "Do you guys remember that time? Back during our performance at Prestige
Academy, when Min Gi missed the beat and his colored smoke bomb went
off first?"
San "Yeah. I was worried that I was the one who messed up our rhythm."
Hong Joong "To be honest, I was worried that we wouldn't be able to make it home. I kept
thinking, what if one of us got injured or something happened...Everything
seemed so hard at the time, but looking back on it now - things were good
back then."
Woo Young "I know, I remember that first time I got injured and how the Grimes Siblings
helped me. The first time we met Left Eye...I almost even miss the Guardians
San "I hope Thunder's doing okay. It's a shame we never got a change to say
Yun Ho "I wonder what happened after we left. Were the people finally able to break
free of control, did the rebellion succeed...Do they still remember ATEEZ? Or,
do you think we've already been forgotten?"
Min Gi "Maybe, you never know. Time keeps moving over there, too. We might
already have become a thing of the past. It's not like we spend all our time
thinking about ATEEZ either."
Jong Ho "Even if that's the case, it's still a little sad to think about."
There was a moment of silence. Although they were all here in the same place, each member was immersed in their own thoughts. Music filled the room, breaking the silence. It was Jong Ho. He played a song from the music he had kept from their performances in World Z. Excitement filled the room again. Some members even started to dance, saying they remembered their choreography from back then. A few other songs played, and finally, the fist song Jong Ho had written for the members upon returning came on.
This time, a different kind of silence came over the members. ATEEZ, who had been nothing short of heroes in World Z, had been thrown back into World A and forced to live as commoners again. Still, they had been so sure they could make it here, too. After all, just think of all they had accomplished in World Z! However, the lingering thrill of their adventures had faded faster than they had hoped. This song was one they sang together at the very end of that time. They hadn't understood just how much they had changed before and after leaving World Z, but now they all did.
Woo Young "Why don't we give it one last try?"
Woo Young blurted out the thoughts no other member had the courage to speak, not even as a joke. Sipping his drink by himself and listening to music, he looked very drunk. Hong Joong responded as if to soothe him:
Hong Joong "Ahahaha, yeah, that might be fun. You know, a reader actually said the
same thing at a book concert of mine a while back. They said they'd heard
us perform at a local event a long time ago. They were a fan. It kind of made
me sad to hear that."
Yun Ho "You know, Yeo Sang makes a lot of investments in the arts. He could
probably handle our production. And Jong Ho can make our songs. And
Min Gi will be our center?"
"It's so nice getting together like this. We should really do It at least once a month. Hey, you know let's go on a trip together sometime!" The others tried to brush aside Woo Young's words with their usual drunken promises, but this time Jong Ho responded seriously:
Jong Ho "To be honest, I like the idea. I already have some songs written."
Woo Young "Looking back, I always wondered if we really did everything we could. At
first, we all had our own family problems, and because of that, we ended up
drifting apart before we ever really started. Then, the next time we got
together and tried and it didn't work out, we all gave up so easily and moved
on to our own jobs. Let's do it for real this time. Give it one last go. Doesn't it
bother you? To just accept defeat like this?"
Woo Young thought he had been adjusting well to his life as a flight attendant. But when he danced and sang to the in-flight safety announcement, he realized that was not the case. He had been forcing himself to eat tofu, when what he really wanted was steak. Sure they were both proteins, but they were not the same.
Yeo Sang I don't consider my current life to be 'defeat.'"
Woo Young "So, then, you think we've all achieved our dreams?"
Yeo Sang "Let me put it this way: You think any life that doesn't follow your original
dream is a failure, then? Something to be ashamed of?"
The members grew pale at the suddenly charged atmosphere of the conversation.
Yeo Sang was frustrated with Woo Young, who clung blindly to his obsession with dreams. And while blindness is at times both enchanting and noble, there are other times when it becomes a trap. The reason why hard word and effort put towards one's dream feel so noble, is that dreams can often seem like a sort of divine mission - and many people blindly accept them as such.
If you believe that the only way to live is to follow your dreams, it's only natural that anything else would feel frightening and shameful, like a failure. The sense of defeat the members felt before arriving in World Z, was that exactly - the trap of blindness. But what they learned in World Z was not that they could be heroes, but the importance of emotions and art, dreams, and hope. And that blind belief in anything leads to grave consequences. At least, that's how Yeo Sang saw it, and he had hoped the members felt the same.
Yeo Sang "Grow up. How long do you plan on acting so recklessly?"
"Until we fail for good, I want to keep giving it my all" "We never really tried," "You're just running away, afraid to face the fact that we've fallen this far, and using the need to 'make a living' as an excuse." "Your real failure is being afraid to fail." Those words echoed in Woo Young's mind. But, Yeo Sang's cold and cynical retort shattered him before he was ever able to sort though his thoughts.
Woo Young "Maybe it's that you don't even have the courage to be reckless. But the
others might. Why are you getting in my way without even listening?"
Yeo Sang "Can't you tell?"
Yeo Sang stood up from his seat as if to say, "Go ahead. Ask." Woo Young looked at the other members, believing that at least one of them would respond positively, "Let's try it again together." But each member only turned their eyes away from Woo Young's gaze. Woo Young felt like a fool.
Jongh Ho "Woo Young, I really did meant it. It want to...but let's organize our schedules
first and then..."
Woo Young "No, forget it. This was supposed to be a celebration, and I messed
everything up. I'm sorry, guys. I'm just a little drunk...I'll head out first..."
Pressing back his tears, he kicked away his seat and stood up. The members rushed over to comfort Woo Young and his broken heart, but it was too late. Woo Young walked away quickly into the darkness.
There were two hours left before the first train. Woo Young, forced to wait until then, shivered as he sat on the bench at the train station. "Ugh, why does he have to live so far out of the city." It was late spring, but the night was still cold. Woo Young regretted running out of Yeo Sang's villa so hastily. He debated buying some apology snacks at the convenience store and returning to the villa, but no matter how he thought about it, returning to Yeo Sang's house would only hurt his pride.
Woo Young "Is being reckless a crime? There are so many reckless people in the world.
Like all the people who fall in love knowing they'll break up in the end. Does
he think they're all just immature fools? And why is recklessness immature?"
He talked to himself and tried to calm his stormy heart. Yeo Sang's words were made even more painful by the other members' gazes. They seemed to imply: "We are not the same." It was as though he alone remained trapped in a long tunnel and the members looked back at him from the other side, as if saying, "Why are you still there?"
Woo Young "Since when did they all become so spineless? Their passion, spirit...where
did it all go?"
Woo Young tilted his head back and looked up at the night. Even in the murky sky, starts shone. "Could one of those lights be World Z?" As he thought that, a reddish star appeared, twinkling through the clouds.
Woo Young "Sopro."
Woo Young unconsciously was reminded of the ruby-colored stone. The stone that sat in the living room cabinet of Yeo Sang's villa.
"Sopro is a sort of magical spirit that synchronizes the feelings of those who
hold it with those who draw breath around them. According to legend, one of
the four priest guardians of Halazia gathered the breaths of all of Halazia to
create it."
Left Eye turned Sopro carefully in his hand and explained. They were sailing to the Android Guardian's bunker to look for the lost Cromer. One of the younger Grimes Siblings, reaching for the stone without hesitation, chimed in: "Then, we should use it to awaken the emotions of the people and Guardians!" Left Eye stopped him and offered a cautious thought.
"Why was something as precious as this thrown away at the Strickland
Disposal Site?"
An elder sister of the Grimes Siblings replied to Left Eye:
"It must have been swept up and thrown away along with the countless
particles of emotion or our voices. I doubt they knew what it was and just
tossed it away."
Left Eye turned his head to the side and examined the stone which shone the enchanting color of blood.
"Legends are just legends. It might be dangerous. Let's only use this as a
last resort."
Woo Young, returning quietly to the villa where the members slept, headed to the living room, he passed a table covered with empty bottles and leftovers, went to the antique cabinet, and picked up Sopro.
Woo Young "So if I use this...I can sync my and the members' emotions?"
Sopro's red light wavered as though in response to Woo Young's question. Holding the stone tightly in his fist, Woo Young brought his hand to his heart and earnestly prayed: "It's as though they've all forgotten what it was like to be happy. Reignite our passion like it was back then, and let us be happy together again. Please."
Red light spilled from the gaps of his fingers, a ruby aurora dancing throughout the dark room.